Spacecrafts members and alumni have published work of different genres, types and lengths from mysteries to hard science fiction and full novels to short-short stories. Here is a list of recently published work by current members.
Janet Johnston
- “Risk of Success,” a blog post published on the Out of the Fog blog by Connie Johnson Hambley
- “Lune Bleue,”a short story published in Analog Science Fiction and Fact, October 2013
- “Of Night,”a short story published in Analog Science Fiction and Fact, October 2011
Aline Boucher Kaplan
- World Spirits, Baen Books, 1992
- Khyren, Baen Books, 1988
Short Stories
“Frostfire,” a short story published in “Trickster’s Treats #4,” an anthology edited by Louise Zedda-Sampson and Geneve Flynn. It was published in Australia by Things in the Well Publications to support the Indigenous Literacy Foundation. Nominated for a Nebula Award.
- “Voices in the Dark,” a short story set in the Old West and published in Manifest West’s anthology, “Western Weird.” Edited by Mark Todd, Western Press Books, October 2015.
Click here to read Voices in the Dark on my web site.
“The Broadcast Circle,” a short story published in Ghosts: An Anthology of Horror from the Beyond, edited by David Tyson, May 2015
November 2014 “Elf Hill,” a short story that appeared in Magical: An Anthology of Fantasy, Fairy Tales, and Other Magical Fiction for Adults edited by Kelly Ann Jacobson, November 2014
Click here to read “Elf Hill” on my web site
“The Good Citizen” a short story published in Future Days: A Science Fiction and Fantasy Collection from Castrum Press, August 2018
- “Sekhmet in the Museum of Fine Arts,” a poem published in Daughters of the Sun: A Sekhmet Devotional — 2015
Shamus McGillicuddy
Short Stories
“Campground Exit Survey,” a short story published in Andromeda Spaceways, May 2021
- “The Hole Tree,” a short story published in The Weird and Whatnot, April 2021
- “Dark Work,” a short story to be published in the end-of-year issue of Morpheus Tales, a UK-based, online, weird fiction magazine. “Dark Work” is the chilling tale of a man who is menaced by a malevolent entity while he is working late in his office.
Joseph Sidari
Short Stories
- “Going Native,” a short story published in Havok: Techno Tuesday
- “Stockholm 2066” Included in
the SFWA qualifying anthology“BRAIN GAMES: STORIES TO ASTONISH” October 2020
“Bigger and Better Things, ” a short story that appeared in Third Flatiron’s Anthology: “Monstrosities,” Spring 2018
- Daily Science Fiction
- Brilliant Flash Fiction
- Medical Economics: Honorable Mention in their annual writing contest
Rachel Zakuta
- “It’s OK to Have Mixed Feelings About Living with a Disability,” The Mighty, August 2020
Reckless Space Pirates SHORT STORIES
- “Reckless Space Pirates,” Choice of Games, April 2013
- “Memories of Snow,” Aoife’s Kiss, December 2011
- “Rebecca West’s Extraordinary Reality,” Interfictions Zero, June 2011
- “Children of the War,” Andromeda Spaceways Inflight Magazine, June 2011
- “Election,” Moon Washed Kisses, January 2011
- “Swipe,” Semaphore Magazine, June 2009
Semaphore Anthology, December 2009